fiber optic systems tagged posts

Researchers Send Data 4.5 million times Faster than Average Broadband

Aston University researchers send data 4.5 million times faster than average broadband
Dr. Ian Phillips with the wavelength management device. Credit: Dr. Ian Phillips

Aston University researchers have sent data at a speed that is 4.5 million times faster than the average home broadband. The rate is the fastest ever sent by opening up specific new wavelength bands that are not yet used in fiber optic systems.

As part of an international collaboration, the academics transferred data at a rate of 301 terabits or 301,000,000 megabits per second, using a single, standard optical fiber.

That’s compared to Ofcom’s UK home broadband performance report published in September 2023, which stated that the average broadband speed is just 69.4 Mbit/s megabits per second.

Professor Wladek Forysiak from Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies and Dr...

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