fibrinogen tagged posts

Radical Diagnostic could Save Millions of people at Risk of dying from Blood Loss

Engineers at Monash University have developed a diagnostic that can help deliver urgent treatment to people at risk of dying from rapid blood loss.

Engineers at Monash University in Australia have developed a fast, portable and cheap diagnostic that can help deliver urgent treatment to people at risk of dying from rapid blood loss.

In a world-first outcome that could save more than two million lives globally each year, researchers have developed a diagnostic using a glass slide, Teflon film and a piece of paper that can test for levels of fibrinogen concentration in blood in less than four minutes.

Fibrinogen is a protein found in blood that is needed for clotting...

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Protein involved in Blood Clotting Stimulates Liver Repair

Fibri(nogen) drives repair after acetaminophen-induced liver injury via leukocyte αMβ2 integrin-dependent upregulation of MMP12

Fibri(nogen) drives repair after acetaminophen-induced liver injury via leukocyte αMβ2 integrin-dependent upregulation of MMP12

A team of MSU researchers has uncovered a new pathway in the body that stimulates liver repair. Using an experimental model of high-dosage acetaminophen, the team found that liver injury activated blood clotting, which then stimulated liver repair. Acetaminophen is the active ingredient in more than 600 medications and is a leading cause of drug-induced liver failure in the United States if used above the recommended dosage.

“This pathway of repair has never been described before and could lead to new strategies to promote liver repair,” said Luyendyk, an associate professor of pathobiology and diagnostic investigation...

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