flare of radiation tagged posts

New Model explains what we see when a Massive Black Hole Devours a Star

Illustration of emissions from a tidal disruption event shows in cross section what happens when the material from a disrupted star is devoured by a black hole. The material forms an accretion disk, which heats up and emits vast amounts of light and radiation. The emissions we are able to see from Earth depend on our viewing angle with respect to the orientation of the black hole. Credit: Illustration by Jane Lixin Dai

Illustration of emissions from a tidal disruption event shows in cross section what happens when the material from a disrupted star is devoured by a black hole. The material forms an accretion disk, which heats up and emits vast amounts of light and radiation. The emissions we are able to see from Earth depend on our viewing angle with respect to the orientation of the black hole. Credit: Illustration by Jane Lixin Dai

A star that wanders too close to the supermassive black hole in the center of its galaxy will be torn apart by the black hole’s gravity in a violent cataclysm called a tidal disruption event (TDE), producing a bright flare of radiation...

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