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A new look at Sunspots

Scientists created light curves using the high-resolution images of the Sun to understand what a sunspot would look like on a distant star. They studied different layers of the Sun from the visible surface to the outer atmosphere using 14 different wavelengths, including the six shown here (top left to right: photosphere, magnetic flux of the photosphere, ultraviolet 304 angstroms; bottom left to right: ultraviolet 171 angstroms, ultraviolet 131 angstroms, x-ray).
Credits: NASA/SDO/JAXA/NAOJ/Hinode

NASA’s extensive fleet of spacecraft allows scientists to study the Sun extremely close-up — one of the agency’s spacecraft is even on its way to fly through the Sun’s outer atmosphere. But sometimes taking a step back can provide new insight.

In a new study, scientists looked at sunspots ...

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