FLASH codes tagged posts

196 Lasers help Scientists Recreate the Conditions inside Gigantic Galaxy Clusters

A technician works at the National Ignition Facility. Scientists used the array of 196 lasers to create conditions similar to the hot gas inside gigantic galaxy clusters.

Experiments point the way to solving mystery that keeps clusters hot. Galaxies rarely live alone. Instead, dozens to thousands are drawn together by gravity, forming vast clusters that are the largest objects in the universe.

“Galaxy clusters are one of the most awe-inspiring things in the universe,” said Prof. Emeritus Don Lamb, a University of Chicago astrophysicist and co-author on a new paper published March 9 – one that may point the way towards solving a decades-long mystery.

Scientists have long known that the hydrogen gas in galaxy clusters is searingly hot – about 10 million degrees Kelvin, or roughly t...

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