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New Software based on Artificial Intelligence helps to Interpret Complex Data

Scientific Reports (2022): Unsupervised realworld knowledge extraction via disentangled variational autoencoders for photon diagnostics
Gregor Hartmann, Gesa Goetzke, Stefan Düsterer, Peter FeuerForson, Fabiano Lever, David Meier, Felix Möller, Luis Vera Ramirez, Markus Guehr, Kai Tiedtke, Jens Viefhaus & Markus Braune
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-25249-4

Experimental data is often not only highly dimensional, but also noisy and full of artefacts. This makes it difficult to interpret the data. Now a team at HZB has designed software that uses self-learning neural networks to compress the data in a smart way and reconstruct a low-noise version in the next step. This enables to recognise correlations that would otherwise not be discernible...

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