FmlH protein tagged posts

Researchers Identify Protein Critical in causing Chronic UTIs

Researchers have identified a way to prevent chronic urinary tract infections, a common infection primarily caused by E. coli (shown above). Vaccinating mice against a key protein that E. coli use to latch onto the bladder and cause UTIs reduces severe disease, according to researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Credit: Scott Hultgren and John Heuser

Researchers have identified a way to prevent chronic urinary tract infections, a common infection primarily caused by E. coli (shown above). Vaccinating mice against a key protein that E. coli use to latch onto the bladder and cause UTIs reduces severe disease, according to researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Credit: Scott Hultgren and John Heuser

A potential way to prevent chronic urinary tract infections (UTIs) has beenfound. Their research points to a key protein that bacteria use to latch onto the bladder and cause UTIs, according to scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Vaccinating mice against the protein reduces the ability of bacteria to cause severe disease...

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