FRB 121102 tagged posts

Cosmic Cat and Mouse: Astronomers Capture and Tag a Fleeting Radio Burst

Host galaxy of FRB 180924.(A)
VLT/FORS2 gʹ-band image showing the host galaxy of FRB 180924, labeled A. The burst location uncertainty is shown by the black circle. Two background faint background galaxies, labeled B and C, can be seen to the right and upper left are also visible (see supplementary text). (B) Keck Cosmic Web Imager (KCWI) spectrum (17) of the FRB 180924 host, showing the detection of forbidden-line ionized oxygen emission [O II], and Calcium absorption which set the FRB redshift z = 0.3214. fλ is relative flux. The oxygen emission is attributed to gas ionized by a hard ionizing spectrum. The absorption lines are stellar. (C) Section of Gemini Multi Object Spectrograph (GMOS) spectrum...
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A Repeating Fast Radio Burst from an Extreme Environment

IMAGE: The 305-metre Arecibo telescope, in Puerto Rico, and its suspended support platform of radio receivers is shown amid a starry night. A flash from the Fast Radio Burst source FRB 121102 is seen: originating beyond the Milky Way, from deep in extragalactic space. CREDITS: Image design: Danielle Futselaar - Photo usage: Brian P. Irwin / Dennis van de Water /

IMAGE: The 305-metre Arecibo telescope, in Puerto Rico, and its suspended support platform of radio receivers is shown amid a starry night. A flash from the Fast Radio Burst source FRB 121102 is seen: originating beyond the Milky Way, from deep in extragalactic space. CREDITS: Image design: Danielle Futselaar – Photo usage: Brian P. Irwin / Dennis van de Water /

Extragalactic source of radio-wave flashes resides in a powerfully magnetized astrophysical region. New detections of radio waves from a repeating fast radio burst have revealed an astonishingly potent magnetic field in the source’s environment, indicating that it is situated near a massive black hole or within a nebula of unprecedented power.

A year ago, the astronomers pinpointed the location of the enigmatic fas...

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