FRB 20191221A tagged posts

Astronomers detect a Radio ‘Heartbeat’ Billions of light-years from Earth

CHIME telescope against starry sky with streaks of light
Caption: Using the CHIME large radio telescope, astronomers detected a persistent radio signal from a far-off galaxy that appears to flash with surprising regularity.
Credits:Image: Photo courtesy of CHIME, with background edited by MIT News

The clear and periodic pattern of fast radio bursts may originate from a distant neutron star. Astronomers at MIT and elsewhere have detected a strange and persistent radio signal from a far-off galaxy that appears to be flashing with surprising regularity.

The signal is classified as a fast radio burst, or FRB — an intensely strong burst of radio waves of unknown astrophysical origin, that typically lasts for a few milliseconds at most. However, this new signal persists for up to three seconds, about 1,000 times longer than the average FRB...

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