Gaia16apd tagged posts

UV light from Superluminous Supernova key to revealing Explosion mechanism

UV light from Superluminous Supernova key to revealing Explosion mechanism

UV light from Superluminous Supernova key to revealing Explosion mechanism

An international team has discovered a way to use UV light from superluminous supernovae to uncover its explosion mechanism, and used it to identify Gaia16apd as a shock-interacting supernova, reports a new study. An international team has discovered a way to use observations at UV wavelengths to uncover characteristics about superluminous supernovae previously impossible to determine.

The team, led by Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU) Project Researcher Alexey Tolstov, study stellar explosions called Superluminous Supernovae (SLSNe), an extra bright type of supernova discovered in the last decade that is 10 to 100 times brighter than ordinary supernovae...

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