galaxy Messier 87 tagged posts

Dark Heart of the Nearest Radio Galaxy

Distance scales uncovered in the Centaurus A jet. The top left image shows how the jet disperses into gas clouds that emit radio waves. The top right panel displays a color composite image, with a 40⨉ zoom compared to the first panel to match the size of the galaxy itself. The next panel below shows a 165 000⨉ zoom image of the inner radio jet.The bottom panel depicts the new highest resolution image of the jet launching region obtained with the EHT at millimeter wavelengths with a 60 000 000⨉ zoom in telescope resolution. One light year is equal to the distance that light travels within one year: about nine trillion kilometers. Credit: Radboud University; CSIRO/ATNF/I. Feain et al., R. Morganti et al., N. Junkes et al.; ESO/WFI; MPIfR/ESO/APEX/A. Weiß et al.; NASA/CXC/CfA/R. Kraft et al...
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