germinal centers tagged posts

Research Reveals New Details about how the Immune System refines its Antibodies


The immune system produces antibodies finely tuned to antigens. Recent research describes how the interaction between T cells (green) and B cells (blue) allows this to take place. Bystander B cells and antigen appear in red. Credit: Laboratory of Molecular Immunology at The Rockefeller University

The immune system produces antibodies finely tuned to antigens. Recent research describes how the interaction between T cells (green) and B cells (blue) allows this to take place. Bystander B cells and antigen appear in red.
Credit: Laboratory of Molecular Immunology at The Rockefeller University

Cell Division speeds up as part of antibody selection. Mechanisms that favor selection of B cells capable of producing antibodies with highest affinity for that invader. “2 of the mechanisms that allow high affinity B cells to overwhelm the others,” says Alex Gitlin.

During an infection, B + other immune cells form germinal centers in spleen and lymph nodes, where B cells evolve in a Darwinian-like fashion...

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