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Theoretical Model suggests Saltiness of Enceladus’s Oceans may be right to Sustain Life

Considered heat sources/sinks and salinity/temperature forcings in our Enceladus experiments

A team of researchers at MIT has found via theoretical modeling that the saltiness of the oceans on Saturn’s moon, Enceladus, may be the right level to sustain life. In their paper published in the journal Science Advances, the group describes the factors that went into building their model and the features of Enceladus that were used to measure the saltiness of its oceans.

The combined data from the Cassini and Galileo missions showed that Saturn’s moon Enceladus and Jupiter’s moon Europa both hold potential for satisfying three of the main features believed to be necessary for supporting life on other celestial bodies: they have a source of energy, they have liquid water and they have a mi...

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