glaucoma tagged posts

Turmeric-Derived Eye Drops could Treat Glaucoma: study

Topical Curcumin Nanocarriers are Neuroprotective in Eye Disease. Scientific Reports, 2018; 8 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-29393-8

Topical Curcumin Nanocarriers are Neuroprotective in Eye Disease. Scientific Reports, 2018; 8 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-29393-8

A derivative of turmeric could be used in eye drops to treat the early stages of glaucoma, finds a new study led by UCL and Imperial College London researchers. In the new Scientific Reports paper, the researchers report a new method to deliver curcumin, extracted from the yellow spice turmeric, directly to the back of the eye using eye drops, overcoming the challenge of curcumin’s poor solubility.

The research team found the eye drops can reduce the loss of retinal cells in rats, which is known to be an early sign of glaucoma. They are also investigating how the eye drops could be used as a diagnostic tool for a range of conditions...

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New Eye Test Detects earliest Signs of Glaucoma

A patient’s retina showing hyperfluorescent signals – each white spot is single 'sick' retinal nerve cell

Credit: UCL/Western Eye Hospital A patient’s retina showing hyperfluorescent signals – each white spot is a single ‘sick’ retinal nerve cell.

A simple, inexpensive diagnostic tool DARC (Detection of Apoptosing Retinal Cells) has been developed. In clinical trials it allowed for the first time visualization of individual nerve cell death in patients with glaucoma. Early detection means doctors can start treatments before sight loss begins. Ongoing trials are investigating the potential of the test for other neurodegenerative conditions.

Glaucoma affects 60 million people in the world, with 1 in 10 suffering total sight loss in both eyes. Early detection means doctors can start treatments before sight loss begins...

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Study in Mice suggests Stem Cells could Ward off Glaucoma

Eye doctors use a variety of tests to catch signs of glaucoma. Early detection and prompt treatment can prevent vision loss, but the condition is chronic and must be monitored for life. Credit: Steven E. Smith

Eye doctors use a variety of tests to catch signs of glaucoma. Early detection and prompt treatment can prevent vision loss, but the condition is chronic and must be monitored for life. Credit: Steven E. Smith

Treatment would use cells from patient’s skin. An infusion of stem cells could help restore proper drainage for fluid-clogged eyes at risk for glaucoma. That’s the upshot of a study led by a Veterans Affairs and University of Iowa team. Researchers led by Dr. Markus Kuehn injected stem cells into the eyes of mice with glaucoma. The influx of cells regenerated the tiny, delicate trabecular meshwork, which serves as a drain for the eyes to avoid fluid buildup. When fluid accumulates in the eye, the increase in pressure could lead to glaucoma...

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