glycogen synthase kinase-3 tagged posts

Fruit flies live longer on Lithium: Target found for Slowing Aging

Lithium fruit flies

The response we’ve seen in flies to low doses of lithium is very encouraging and our next step is to look at targeting GSK-3 in more complex animals with the aim of eventually developing a drug regime to test in humans.

Fruit flies live 16% longer than average when given low doses of the mood stabiliser lithium, according to a UCL-led study. How lithium stabilises mood is poorly understood but when the scientists investigated how it prolongs the lives of flies, they discovered a new drug target that could slow aging – a molecule called glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3).

“To improve our quality and length of life we must delay the onset of age-related diseases by extending the healthiest period of our lives...

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