GNR tagged posts

Graphene Nanoribbons: It’s all about the Edges

Illustration of a graphene nanoribbon with zigzag edges and the precursor molecules used in its manufacture. Electrons on the two zigzag edges display opposite directions of rotation (spin) -- "spin-up" on the bottom edge (red) or "spin-down" on the top edge (blue). Credit: EMPA

Illustration of a graphene nanoribbon with zigzag edges and the precursor molecules used in its manufacture. Electrons on the two zigzag edges display opposite directions of rotation (spin) — “spin-up” on the bottom edge (red) or “spin-down” on the top edge (blue). Credit: EMPA

Scientists have now managed to synthesise GNR with perfectly zigzagged edges using suitable carbon precursor molecules and a perfected manufacturing process. The zigzags followed a very specific geometry along the longitudinal axis of the ribbons. This is an important step, because researchers can thus give graphene ribbons different properties via the geometry of the ribbons and especially via the structure of their edges.

With molecules in a U-shape, which they allowed to grow together to form a snake-like shape, ...

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