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Guanidinium stabilizes Perovskite Solar Cells at 19% Efficienc

Stability test of the novel MA(1-x)GuaxPbI3 perovskite material under continuous light illumination compared with the state-of-the-art MAPbI3. A schematic of the device architecture and the simulated crystalline structure is also provided. Credit: M.K. Nazeeruddin/EPFL

Stability test of the novel MA(1-x)GuaxPbI3 perovskite material under continuous light illumination compared with the state-of-the-art MAPbI3. A schematic of the device architecture and the simulated crystalline structure is also provided.
Credit: M.K. Nazeeruddin/EPFL

Incorporating guanidinium into perovskite solar cells stabilizes their efficiency at 19% for 1,000 hours under full-sunlight testing conditions. With the power-conversion efficiency of silicon solar cells plateauing around 25%, perovskites are now ideally placed to become the market’s next generation of photovoltaics...

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