Graphene Nanoribbons tagged posts

Graphene Slides Smoothly across Gold

A graphen nanoribbon was anchored at the tip of a atomic force microscope and dragged over a gold surface. The observed friction force was extremely low. Credit: University of Basel, Department of Physics

A graphen nanoribbon was anchored at the tip of a atomic force microscope and dragged over a gold surface. The observed friction force was extremely low. Credit: University of Basel, Department of Physics

Graphene offers versatile potential for coating machine components and in the field of electronic switches. An international team of researchers led by physicists at the University of Basel have been studying the lubricity of this material on the nanometer scale. Since it produces almost no friction at all, it could drastically reduce energy loss in machines when used as a coating. In future, graphene could be used as an extremely thin coating, resulting in almost zero energy loss between mechanical parts. This is based on superlubricity of modified carbon in the form of graphene...

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‘Legos’ for Fabrication of Atomically Precise Electronic Circuits

Bottom-up synthesis of 7–13 GNR heterojunctions.

a, Synthesis of 7–13 GNR heterojunctions from molecular building blocks 1 and 2. Building blocks 1 and 2 are co-deposited onto a pristine Au(111) surface held at room temperature. Stepwise heating induces cleavage of the labile C–Br bonds, colligation (at 470 K) and then cyclization/dehydrogenation (at 670 K), resulting in 7–13 GNR heterojunctions. b, High-resolution STM topograph of a 7–13 GNR heterojunction (sample voltage Vs = 60 mV, tunnelling current It = 200 pA). Inset: Larger-scale STM image of multiple GNR heterojunctions, showing a variety of segment lengths (Vs = 0.50 V, It = 2 pA).

For the 1st time, researchers tailored the electronic properties of nanoribbons using a new “bottom-up” method that precisely controls and modulates the atomic-scal...

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Electronically Connected Graphene Nanoribbons foresee High-Speed Electronics

Figure 1 shows interconnected graphene nanoribbons (GNRs). The interconnection points are observed as elbow structures. The inset of (a) shows the chemical structure of an elbow interconnection point of two chiral-edge GNRs. The top panel of (b) shows the scanning tunneling microscopy topograph, highlighting a single GNR and a pair of connected GNRs (elbow). The bottom panel of (b) shows the local density of states (LDOS) of these two structures share the same electronic architecture, including the elbow interconnection point. This indicates that electronic properties, such as electron and thermal conductivities, should be comparable between termini 1-2 and termini 3-4. Credit: Patrick Han

Figure 1 shows interconnected graphene nanoribbons (GNRs). The interconnection points are observed as elbow structures. The inset of (a) shows the chemical structure of an elbow interconnection point of two chiral-edge GNRs. The top panel of (b) shows the scanning tunneling microscopy topograph, highlighting a single GNR and a pair of connected GNRs (elbow). The bottom panel of (b) shows the local density of states (LDOS) of these two structures share the same electronic architecture, including the elbow interconnection point. This indicates that electronic properties, such as electron and thermal conductivities, should be comparable between termini 1-2 and termini 3-4. Credit: Patrick Han

Chemical interconnection bridges electronic properties of graphene-nanoribbons with zigzag-edge featu...

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