GRB160625B tagged posts

Gamma-ray Burst captured in unprecedented detail

This image shows the most common type of gamma-ray burst, thought to occur when a massive star collapses, forms a black hole, and blasts particle jets outward at nearly the speed of light. An international team led by University of Maryland astronomers has constructed a detailed description of a similar gamma-ray burst event, named GRB160625B. Their analysis has revealed key details about the initial 'prompt' phase of gamma-ray bursts and the evolution of the large jets of matter and energy that form as a result. Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

This image shows the most common type of gamma-ray burst, thought to occur when a massive star collapses, forms a black hole, and blasts particle jets outward at nearly the speed of light. An international team led by University of Maryland astronomers has constructed a detailed description of a similar gamma-ray burst event, named GRB160625B. Their analysis has revealed key details about the initial ‘prompt’ phase of gamma-ray bursts and the evolution of the large jets of matter and energy that form as a result. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center

Data from multiple telescopes used to address long-standing questions about the universe’s most powerful explosions. Gamma-ray bursts are among the most energetic and explosive events in the universe...
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