growth factors tagged posts

Growth Factors linked to Stem Cell Aging in Bone Marrow Study

How old is your bone marrow?

The immunofluorescence image details the morphology and cell composition of a femur from a middle-aged mouse. Credit: The Jackson Laboratory

Our bone marrow—the fatty, jelly-like substance inside our bones—is an unseen powerhouse quietly producing 500 billion new blood cells every day. That process is driven by hematopoietic stem cells that generate all of the various types of blood cells in our bodies and regenerating themselves to keep the entire assembly line of blood production operating smoothly.

As with any complex system, hematopoietic stem cells lose functionality as they age—and, in the process, contribute to the risk of serious diseases, including blood cancers. We know that the risk of developing aging-associated diseases is different among different individuals...

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Patients’ own Fat Tissue can help treat Joint problems

Lipogems® is a non-expanded and microfragmented adipose tissue graft that is injected into damaged areas of the body in order to provide a cushion and structural support while promoting a healing environment. Lipogems® preserve the natural healing properties of adipose tissue by maintaining the fats Vascular Stromal Niches which contain mesenchymal cells and pericytes. The objective of the Lipogems® product is to favor the natural regenerative process of tissues and it is used in numerous pathologies.

Lipogems® is a non-expanded and microfragmented adipose tissue graft that is injected into damaged areas of the body in order to provide a cushion and structural support while promoting a healing environment. Lipogems® preserve the natural healing properties of adipose tissue by maintaining the fats Vascular Stromal Niches which contain mesenchymal cells and pericytes.

Body fat now can help treat bone joint conditions, including injuries and osteoarthritis – the type of arthritis caused by wear and tear in tissue between joints, which affects 27 million people. A new device gently suctions, processes and uses a patient’s own fat tissue to provide a potential source of stem cells and growth factors to promote healing...

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