Gut microbes seem to influence miRNAs in the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex tagged posts

New Light on Link between Gut Bacteria and Anxiety

GF male mice display dysregulated network of miRNA expression in the amygdala and PFC. a Schematic representation of experimental design. b Donut plot representing the number of increased and decreased miRNA in the amygdala (outer plot) and PFC (inner plot) when comparing CON vs GF mice. c Volcano plot representing fold change against significance (P < 0.05) between CON and GF mice in the amygdala and PFC. d Venn diagram reporting overlapping differentially regulated miRNA between all three experimental groups in the amygdala representing the effect of colonization of GF mice on miRNAs. e Represents the impact of colonization of GF mice in the PFC. f Number of miRNAs by name that are normalized by colonization and common in both brain regions. g Number of microRNAs that are commonly dysregulated in both brain regions. Highlighted in red are those that are oppositely regulated in both brain regions

GF male mice display dysregulated network of miRNA expression in the amygdala and PFC. a Schematic representation of experimental design. b Donut plot representing the number of increased and decreased miRNA in the amygdala (outer plot) and PFC (inner plot) when comparing CON vs GF mice. c Volcano plot representing fold change against significance (P < 0.05) between CON and GF mice in the amygdala and PFC. d Venn diagram reporting overlapping differentially regulated miRNA between all three experimental groups in the amygdala representing the effect of colonization of GF mice on miRNAs. e Represents the impact of colonization of GF mice in the PFC. f Number of miRNAs by name that are normalized by colonization and common in both brain regions...

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