GW170814 tagged posts

LIGO and Virgo observatories Jointly detect Black Hole Collision

This is an aerial view of the Virgo site showing the Mode-Cleaner building, the Central building, the three kilometer-long west arm and the beginning of the north arm. The other buildings include offices, workshops, computer rooms and the control room of the interferometer. Credit: The Virgo collaboration/CCO 1.0

This is an aerial view of the Virgo site showing the Mode-Cleaner building, the Central building, the three kilometer-long west arm and the beginning of the north arm. The other buildings include offices, workshops, computer rooms and the control room of the interferometer. Credit: The Virgo collaboration/CCO 1.0

The first observation of gravitational waves has been discovered by by 3 different detectors, marking a new era of greater insights and improved localization of cosmic events now available through globally networked gravitational-wave observatories. In August, detectors on two continents recorded gravitational wave signals from a pair of black holes colliding...

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