habitable for microbial life tagged posts

Mars’ Water was Mineral-Rich and Salty

Methodology to reconstruct water chemistry One of the clay minerals, smectite, can trap ions in water through ion exchanges in the presence of water. Even after loss of water, smectite records ion compositions within interlayers of its structure. Credit: Nature Communications
Methodology to reconstruct water chemistry
One of the clay minerals, smectite, can trap ions in water through ion exchanges in the presence of water. Even after loss of water, smectite records ion compositions within interlayers of its structure.
Credit: Nature Communications

New study finds surface waters on early Mars may have been habitable for microbial life. Presently, Earth is the only known location where life exists in the Universe. This year the Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to three astronomers who proved, almost 20 years ago, that planets are common around stars beyond the solar system...

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