Hair Follicles tagged posts

The Chemical Controlling Life and Death in Hair Follicles

1) New understanding of the signals controlling whether hair follicles divide or die could help people heal from wounds or grow new hair. (Helpaeatcontu/Wikimedia)
2) Cross section of a typical hair follicle. (Qixuan Wang/UCR)

A single chemical is key to controlling when hair follicle cells divide, and when they die. This discovery could not only treat baldness, but ultimately speed wound healing because follicles are a source of stem cells.

Most cells in the human body have a specific form and function determined during embryonic development that does not change. For example, a blood cell cannot turn into a nerve cell, or vice versa. Stem cells, however, are like the blank tiles in a game of Scrabble; they can turn into other types of cells.

Their adaptability makes them useful ...

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Blocking Enzymes in Hair Follicles promotes Hair Growth

Within 3 weeks, mice that received topical ruxolitinib or tofacitinib had regrown nearly all their hair (right photo; drug was applied only to the right side of the mouse). Little to no hair growth occurred in control mice during the same timeframe (left photo). Credit: From S. Harel et al., Sci. Adv. 1, e1500973 (2015). Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License 4.0 (CC BY-NC). 10.1126/sciadv.1500973

Within 3 weeks, mice that received topical ruxolitinib or tofacitinib had regrown nearly all their hair (right photo; drug was applied only to the right side of the mouse). Little to no hair growth occurred in control mice during the same timeframe (left photo). Credit: From S. Harel et al., Sci. Adv. 1, e1500973 (2015). Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License 4.0 (CC BY-NC). 10.1126/sciadv.1500973

2 FDA-approved drugs reawaken dormant hair follicles. Inhibiting a family of enzymes inside hair follicles that are suspended in a resting state restores hair growth, a new study has found...

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