Hair-raising Reason for Goosebumps tagged posts

The Hair-raising Reason for Goosebumps

The hair follicle under the microscope, with the sympathetic nerve in green and the muscle in magenta.
Credit: Hsu Laboratory/Harvard University

The same cell types that cause goosebumps are responsible for controlling hair growth. If you’ve ever wondered why we get goosebumps, you’re in good company — so did Charles Darwin, who mused about them in his writings on evolution. Goosebumps might protect animals with thick fur from the cold, but we humans don’t seem to benefit from the reaction much — so why has it been preserved during evolution all this time?

In a new study, Harvard University scientists have discovered the reason: the cell types that cause goosebumps are also important for regulating the stem cells that regenerate the hair follicle and hair...

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