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Winds of >2km/s (5400mph) have been discovered flowing around planet outside of Earth’s solar system

IMAGE1: HD189733: The planet HD 189733b is shown here in front of its parent star. A belt of wind around the equator of the planet travels at 5400mph from the heated day side to the night side. The day side of the planet appears blue due to scattering of light from silicate haze in the atmosphere. The night side of the planet glows a deep red due to its high temperature. Credit: Mark A. Garlick/University of Warwick

IMAGE1: HD189733: The planet HD 189733b is shown here in front of its parent star. A belt of wind around the equator of the planet travels at 5400mph from the heated day side to the night side. The day side of the planet appears blue due to scattering of light from silicate haze in the atmosphere. The night side of the planet glows a deep red due to its high temperature.
Credit: Mark A. Garlick/University of Warwick

The University of Warwick discovery is the first time that a weather system on a planet outside of Earth’s solar system has been directly measured and mapped. The wind speed recorded is 20x greater than the fastest ever known on earth, where it would be 7x the speed of sound.

Tom Louden, of the University of Warwick’s Astrophysics group, said: “This is the first ever weather map...

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