Hawking's Black Hole Theorem tagged posts

Physicists observationally confirm Hawking’s Black Hole Theorem for the first time

black hole simulation
Physicists at MIT and elsewhere have used gravitational waves to observationally confirm Hawking’s black hole area theorem for the first time. This computer simulation shows the collision of two black holes that produced the gravitational wave signal, GW150914.
Credits:Credit: Simulating eXtreme Spacetimes (SXS) project. Courtesy of LIGO

Physicists have used gravitational waves to observationally confirm Hawking’s black hole theorem. There are certain rules that even the most extreme objects in the universe must obey. A central law for black holes predicts that the area of their event horizons — the boundary beyond which nothing can ever escape — should never shrink. This law is Hawking’s area theorem, named after physicist Stephen Hawking, who derived the theorem in 1971.

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