HbA1c tagged posts

Can Protein, Probiotics help with Blood Sugar Control?

 Adding protein-rich or probiotic-laden foods to your diet may help control your blood sugar levels, according to a pair of new studies.

Adding protein-rich or probiotic-laden foods to your diet may help control your blood sugar levels, according to a pair of new studies.

Adding protein-rich or probiotic-laden foods to your diet may help control your blood sugar levels, according to a pair of new studies.
Both proteins and probiotics appear to slow down digestion of carbohydrates, preventing blood sugar spikes that can lead to type 2 diabetes or exacerbate damage done by the disease. Eating tuna fish with a slice of white bread produced a slower rise in blood sugar than eating carbs alone. Meanwhile, people who added foods rich in probiotics to their heart-healthy DASH diet achieved a significant reduction in their blood sugar levels.

The results of both studies were presented this week at the American Heart Association’s a...

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