heat flow tagged posts

Venus may have Earth-like Lithospheric Thickness and Heat Flow

Venus planet
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain

Poor old Venera 9, the Soviet Union’s Venus lander, separated from its orbiter and made a hot, violent descent through the dense Venusian atmosphere on October 22, 1975, landing hard on a circular shield designed to crumple and absorb the impact. It only survived the intense surface conditions for 53 minutes, transmitting data regarding clouds, light irradiance, temperature and atmospheric chemistry, as well as the first image ever taken of the surface of another planet. And then it died. But its findings were significant because Venus and Earth are similar terrestrial planets believed to have formed through similar processes.

It’s fair to say that while Earth and Venus are siblings, with comparable size and composition, they are vastly different in...

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Nano-scale Discovery could help to Cool Down Overheating in Electronics

Graphic showing a laser heating up thin bars of silicon
A laser heats up ultra-thin bars of silicon. (Credit: Steven Burrows/JILA)

When you shrink down to very small scales, heat doesn’t always behave the way you think it should. Now, new findings from the nano realm could help researchers to gain a better handle on the flow of heat in electronic devices.

A team of physicists at CU Boulder has solved the mystery behind a perplexing phenomenon in the nano realm: why some ultra-small heat sources cool down faster if you pack them closer together. The findings, published today in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), could one day help the tech industry design faster electronic devices that overheat less.

“Often, heat is a challenging consideration in designing electronics...

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Nano System operates with Interacting Electrons, but No Electric Current

NEMS heat engine

In the proposed system, a carbon nanotube is suspended between two leads, below a tip electrode, and above a gate. The pair of leads and the tip are two separate electron reservoirs with different temperatures. Electrons can tunnel between the nanotube and the reservoirs. Although electron exchange between the two reservoirs is prevented, electron-electron interaction couples the two reservoirs, allowing for a heat flow. Credit: A. Vikström et al. ©2016 American Physical Society

Illustrating the unusual way things work on the nanoscale, scientists have designed a new nanoelectromechanical system (NEMS) that produces mechanical motion due to the interactions between electrons—yet unlike similar systems, this system does not require any electric current...

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