Heating and Cooling tagged posts

This Adaptive Roof Tile can cut both Heating and Cooling costs

concept photo of a green building amid regular buildings

In a new study, researchers present an adaptive tile, which when deployed in arrays on roofs, can lower heating bills in winter and cooling bills in summer, without the need for electronics.

About half of an average American building’s energy consumption is spent on heating and cooling. That’s a lot of money spent, fossil fuel burned and strain on an aging energy infrastructure during times of severe temperatures.

It’s also a problem UC Santa Barbara researchers Charlie Xiao, Elliot Hawkes and Bolin Liao are hoping to make a dent in. In a paper in the journal Device, the trio present an adaptive tile, which when deployed in arrays on roofs, can lower heating bills in winter and cooling bills in summer, without the need for electronics.

“It switches between a heating state and...

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Smart Material Switches between Heating and Cooling in minutes

A demonstration of the “smart-window-like” portion of the passive heating and cooling technology. Electricity causes the device to either clear (left) to reveal a mirror that reflects sunlight and allows heat to escape, or to darken with tiny nanoparticles (right), which traps both sunlight and heat. Credit: Po-Chun Hsu, Duke University

Passive technology on roofs and facades could greatly reduce HVAC energy consumption. Engineers have developed smart material technology that, with the flip of a switch, can alternate between harvesting heat from sunlight and allowing an object to cool. The window-like device has no moving parts and could be a boon for HVAC savings, potentially cutting energy usage by nearly 20% in the United States alone.

As anyone who has ever parked a car in t...

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