Helicobacter Pylori tagged posts

Infection with Stomach Bacteria may Increase Risk of Alzheimer’s disease

This shows bacteria and a head.

Researchers from Charité and McGill University quantify association between Helicobacter pylori and Alzheimer’s disease. Infection with the stomach bacterium Helicobacter pylori could increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease: In people over the age of 50, the risk following a symptomatic infection can be an average of 11 percent higher, and even more about ten years after the infection, at 24 percent greater risk. These are the findings of a study by Charité — Universitätsmedizin Berlin and McGill University (Canada), now published in the journal Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association.* The researchers analyzed three decades’ worth of patient data.

As today’s populations age, dementia is set to become more common, tripling in prevalence in ...

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Brain-to-Gut Connections traced

Neuroscientists at the University of Pittsburgh Brain Institute have traced neural pathways that connect the brain to the stomach, providing a biological mechanism to explain how stress can foster ulcer development.

The findings, published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, build a scientific basis for the brain’s influence over organ function and emphasize the importance of the brain-body connection.

Until now, research exploring the gut-brain interaction has largely focused on the influence of the gut and its microbiome on the brain. But it’s not a one-way street – the brain also influences stomach function.

“Pavlov demonstrated many years ago that the central nervous system uses environmental signals and past experience to generate anti...

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How Inflammation causes Gastric Cancer

A schematic illustration of the role of Noxo1 and NOX1 in the inflammation-associated gastric tumorigenesis. Helicobacter pylori infection causes chronic gastritis, which further induces expression of Noxo1 through TNF-α/NF-κB inflammatory cytokine pathway. Induction of Noxo1 as well as other NOX1 complex, such as NOX1, Noxa1 and Cyba, leads to activation of NOX1 complex and ROS production. Increased ROS level in the inflamed gastric mucosa results in expansion of SOX2-positive stem cell population, which induces gastritis-associated gastric metaplasia and hyperplasia. This Noxo1-involved inflammatory pathway contributes to gastric tumorigenesis in the H. pylori-infected stomach.
Kanazawa University

Researchers have solved the decades-old mystery of how stomach bacterium He...

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Painless, Quick and Reliable method for Diagnosing Helicobacter from Exhaled Air

VTT releases a painless, quick and reliable method for diagnosing Helicobacter from exhaled air. Credit: Image courtesy of Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT)

VTT releases a painless, quick and reliable method for diagnosing Helicobacter from exhaled air. Credit: Image courtesy of Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT)

In the future, several illnesses can be quickly and painlessly diagnosed by the optical analysis of isotopes contained in exhaled air. VTT developed its first prototype for this purpose. With the device, it is possible to determine painlessly and with absolute certainty during the appointment whether the patient’s stomach troubles are caused by Helicobacter. The certainty of the device is based on its ability to measure not only carbon13(13C) but also oxygen18(18O) in exhaled air.

The invention is based on a technology developed by VTT’s MIKES Metrology, optical absorption spectroscopy in a multipass chamber with the sample vo...

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