(a) Schematic diagram of the chemical vapour deposition approach for h-BN synthesis. Borazine is used as a precursor. A multilayer h-BN film is grown on a Fe foil in a quarts tube. (b,c) Photographs of as-grown h-BN film on a Fe foil and the transferred h-BN film onto a SiO2/Si substrate. (d,e) SEM images of an h-BN film on a Fe foil. (f) Cathodoluminescence spectra of multilayer h-BN film. (g) Optical image of multilayer h-BN film. (h) Raman mapping image of the E2g peak near 1,366 cm−1 corresponding to the area of g. (i) Raman spectra of each spot for the corresponding blue triangle, red circle and black square in h. (j) X-ray diffraction pattern of multilayer h-BN film on a SiO2/Si substrate. (k) Contact angles of bare Fe (top) and as-grown h-BN on a Fe foil (bottom)...
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