HFCS tagged posts

Excessive Fructose Consumption may cause a Leaky Gut, leading to Fatty Liver disease

High fructose corn syrup is a ubiquitous food sweetener and linked to numerous diseases and public health issues. Photo credit: Pixabay

Excessive consumption of fructose — a sweetener ubiquitous in the American diet — can result in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which is comparably abundant in the United States. But contrary to previous understanding, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine report that fructose only adversely affects the liver after it reaches the intestines, where the sugar disrupts the epithelial barrier protecting internal organs from bacterial toxins in the gut.

Developing treatments that prevent intestinal barrier disruption, the authors conclude in a study published August 24, 2020 in Nature Metabolism, could protect th...

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