high Coulombic efficiency tagged posts

Electrolytes made from Liquefied Gas enable Batteries to run at Ultra-Low Temperatures

Electrolytes made from liquefied gas enable batteries to run at ultra-low temperatures

New electrolytes made from liquefied gas enable lithium batteries and electrochemical capacitors to run at extremely cold temperatures. Credit: David Baillot/UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering Enginee

UCSD engineers have developed a breakthrough in electrolyte chemistry that enables lithium batteries to run at temperatures as low as -60C with excellent performance—in comparison, today’s lithium-ion batteries stop working at -20 degrees Celsius. The new electrolytes also enable electrochemical capacitors to run as low as -80C—their current low temperature limit is -40 degrees Celsius. While the technology enables extreme low temperature operation, high performance at room temperature is still maintained...

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