high-definition system tagged posts

Researchers discover High-Def Electron Pathways in Soil

 Under a microscope, root hairs grow into pyrogenic carbon particle, which enhance electron networks. Plants grow more efficiently than previously thought. Credit: Kelly Hanley/Lehmann Lab

Under a microscope, root hairs grow into pyrogenic carbon particle, which enhance electron networks. Plants grow more efficiently than previously thought. Credit: Kelly Hanley/Lehmann Lab

All plants need electrons to aid biological and chemical tasks. Cornell scientists have discovered a new high-definition system that allows electrons to travel through soil farther and more efficiently than previously thought. “Microorganisms need electrons for everything they do. If they consume nutrients or spew out methane or expel carbon dioxide for any living, biological process they need electrons,” said Tianran Sun, postdoctoral researcher in soil and crop sciences.

Like large volumes of electricity that flow from Niagara Falls throughout upstate New York, electrons convey through soil via carbon...

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