high-energy density tagged posts

Charging Electric Cars up to 90% in 6 minutes

Charging electric cars up to 90% in six minutes | Businesblog
Minkyung Kim, Mihee Jeong, Won-Sub Yoon, Byoungwoo Kang. Ultrafast kinetics in a phase separating electrode material by forming an intermediate phase without reducing the particle sizeEnergy & Environmental Science, 2020; DOI: 10.1039/D0EE02518F

POSTECH Professor Byoungwoo Kang’s research team uncovers a new Li-ion battery electrode material that can achieve high-energy density and high power capability per volume without reducing particle size.

With Telsa in the lead, the electric vehicle market is growing around the world. Unlike conventional cars that use internal combustion engines, electric cars are solely powered by lithium ion batteries, so the battery performance defines the car’s overall performance...

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