High Resolution Echelle Spectrometer (HIRES) tagged posts

Heartbeat Stars’ unlocked in new study

This artist's concept depicts "heartbeat stars"

This artist’s concept depicts “heartbeat stars,” which have been detected by NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope and others. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Discovered in large numbers by NASA’s Kepler, heartbeat stars are binary stars that got their name because if you were to map out their brightness over time, the result would look like an electrocardiogram. Scientists are interested in them because they are binary systems in elongated elliptical orbits. This makes them natural laboratories for studying the gravitational effects of stars on each other. In a heartbeat star system, the distance between the two stars varies drastically as they orbit each other. Heartbeat stars can get as close as a few stellar radii to each other, and as far as 10 times that distance during one orbit.

At the point of ...

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