homologous recombination tagged posts

Team engineers New Enzyme to Produce Synthetic Genetic Material

John Chaput
“This is just the beginning,” says John Chaput, UC Irvine professor of pharmaceutical sciences. “We’re not just improving on existing drugs. We’re developing a whole new platform for creating therapies that aren’t possible with current technology.” Steve Zylius / UC Irvine

Discovery advances development of new therapeutic options for cancer and other diseases. A research team led by the University of California, Irvine has engineered an efficient new enzyme that can produce a synthetic genetic material called threose nucleic acid. The ability to synthesize artificial chains of TNA, which is inherently more stable than DNA, advances the discovery of potentially more powerful, precise therapeutic options to treat cancer and autoimmune, metabolic and infectious diseases.

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Genes find their Partners without Matchmakers

Schematic of the looped dsDNA unfolding experiments for the case of (a) no pairing and (b) complete pairing. The construct is built from 50 kb λ-phage dsDNA ligated at the end to a 10 kb homologous fragment (for details see the main text). Here, the red lines represent the part of dsDNA which is not identical in sequence to the 10 kb fragment. The two 10 kb sequences which are identical to each other are shown in green to yellow shading to indicate which way the two sequences run (the yellow indicating the end sequence of the λ-phage DNA). When the constructs are fully extended the two homologous pieces run in opposite directions, but when folded any paired tracts will run in the same direction. Shown in (b) is a coil–expected form for the DNA – where the magnification shows that, where pairing occurs, two sections may align so that their identical sequences read in the same direction. (c) Is a representative result showing the extension versus force curves (decreasing force only) in 150 mM NaCl–PBS at 25°C for a dsDNA construct (solid) and a control curve for a 60 kb dsDNA in the same ionic conditions (dashed). The y-axis is normalized to L19, the measured extension of the controls at 19 pN. Further experimental data curves for different ionic conditions are given in the electronic supplementary material, S1. (d) The solid line shows the difference between the two curves (here, defined as the extension of the construct minus the experimentally measured control) shown in (c), multiplied by L19, resulting in negative values since the extension of the paired dsDNA is shorter than the 60 kb control. The dotted line shows the standard deviation for 25 controls. At forces less than 2 pN, the constructs containing homologous regions show significant variation, but even at 5 pN the difference between the constructs and controls is more than 10 times the standard deviation in the controls. The results indicate a significant interaction between identical DNA tracts, which affects the extension–force curve even when the applied force exceeds 10 pN. Experiments for higher temperatures (37°C and 40°C) have also been performed that are not shown here; they demonstrate qualitatively similar effect of ‘homology recognition’; the data for these temperatures are treated in the electronic supplementary material, S5. (Online version in colour.)

Schematic of the looped dsDNA unfolding experiments for the case of (a) no pairing and (b) complete pairing. The construct is built from 50 kb λ-phage dsDNA ligated at the end to a 10 kb homologous fragment (for details see the main text). Here, the red lines represent the part of dsDNA which is not identical in sequence to the 10 kb fragment. The two 10 kb sequences which are identical to each other are shown in green to yellow shading to indicate which way the two sequences run (the yellow indicating the end sequence of the λ-phage DNA). When the constructs are fully extended the two homologous pieces run in opposite directions, but when folded any paired tracts will run in the same direction...

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Mutations Linked to Genetic Disorders shed light on a crucial DNA repair pathway


2 new genes have been identified in which mutations can interfere with a cell’s ability to remove misplaced links between DNA strands, and, as a result, cause a rare genetic disorder known as Fanconi anemia. These discoveries offer new insight on a repair process critical to maintaining certain tissues and preventing cancer.

Dividing cells are prone to errors, and so they must be prepared to summon sophisticated emergency systems to deal with potential damage. One type of division-derailing mishap can occur when assault by certain chemicals causes 2 strands of DNA to permanently connect when they shouldn’t, in what scientists call interstrand crosslinks (ICLs). Properly fixing these crosslinks is crucial to preventing cancer, maintaining tissues, and fertility.

To better understand h...

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