Ho’oleilana tagged posts

Billion-light-year-wide ‘Bubble of Galaxies’ Discovered

An artist's representation of the 'bubble of galaxies' Ho'oleilana, which spans a billion light years
An artist’s representation of the ‘bubble of galaxies’ Ho’oleilana, which spans a billion light years.

Astronomers have discovered the first “bubble of galaxies,” an almost unimaginably huge cosmic structure thought to be a fossilized remnant from just after the Big Bang sitting in our galactic backyard.

The bubble spans a billion light years, making it 10,000 times wider than the Milky Way galaxy.

Yet this giant bubble, which cannot be seen by the naked eye, is a relatively close 820 million light years away from our home galaxy, in what astronomers call the nearby universe.

The bubble can be thought of as “a spherical shell with a heart,” Daniel Pomarede, an astrophysicist at France’s Atomic Energy Commission, told AFP.

Inside that heart is the Bootes supercluster of gala...

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