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Exactly how Fast is the Universe Expanding?

Radio wave observations and model of fireball from neutron star collision
The collision of two neutron stars flung out an extraordinary fireball of material and energy that is allowing a Princeton-led team of astrophysicists to calculate the Hubble constant, the speed of the universe’s expansion. They used a super-high-resolution radio “movie” (left) that they compared to a computer model (right)

Astrophysicists are closing in on the Hubble constant. The collision of two neutron stars (GW170817) flung out an extraordinary fireball of material and energy that is allowing a a team of astrophysicists to calculate a more precise value for the Hubble constant, the speed of the universe’s expansion. Previous estimates put the value between 66 and 90 km/s/Mpc, which this team refined to between 65.3 and 75.6 km/s/Mpc.

Exactly how fast is the universe e...

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