how planets evolve tagged posts

Gigantic Jupiter-type Planet reveals Insights into how Planets Evolve

An image of the HD 106906 stellar debris disk, created by Erika Nesvold's simulation, showing the ring of rocky and icy planet-forming material rotating around the star. (The star is removed from the image, masked by the black circle.) The different hues represent gradients of brightness in the disk material; yellow is the brightest and blue the dimmest. Credit: Erika Nesvold/Carnegie Institution for Science

An image of the HD 106906 stellar debris disk, created by Erika Nesvold’s simulation, showing the ring of rocky and icy planet-forming material rotating around the star. (The star is removed from the image, masked by the black circle.) The different hues represent gradients of brightness in the disk material; yellow is the brightest and blue the dimmest. Credit: Erika Nesvold/Carnegie Institution for Science

Astrophysicists get rare peek at a baby solar system 300 light-years away. An enormous young planet ~300 light-years from Earth has given astrophysicists a rare glimpse into planetary evolution. The planet, known as HD 106906b, was discovered in 2014 by a team of scientists from the U.S., the Netherlands and Italy...

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