Hoyeraal-Hreidarsson syndrome tagged posts

Defective Telomeres are now being linked to Dozens of Diseases, including many types of Cancer

Shelterin recruits accessory proteins to the telomeres that facilitate the complex process of telomere copying and maintenance associated with cell multiplication.

Shelterin recruits accessory proteins to the telomeres that facilitate the complex process of telomere copying and maintenance associated with cell multiplication.

Telomere length related to ageing and cancer, has led to the intense study of telomere-based strategies to combat cancer and diseases associated with ageing. Blasco’s group has recently shown that it is possible to make cancer cells mortal by acting on the telomeres.

We now know that there is a protective structure enveloping telomeric DNA consisting of 6 proteins known as shelterins, which are crucial. Another more recent discovery is there are proteins that, although not in telomeres themselves, interact with them at specific times to enable them to perform their functions...

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