HR 2562B tagged posts

1st Brown Dwarf-mass object found to reside in the Inner hole of a Debris Disk

Astronomers find a brown dwarf companion to a nearby debris disk host star

Collapsed datacubes showing HR 2562B in each of the four modes observed with GPI and reduced using KLIP. The K2 image is from February 2016 and demonstrates two possible solutions for the inner edge of the disk (38 and 75 AU with dashed and dotted-dashed lines respectively) assuming inclination of 78 degrees and position angle of 120 degrees. Credit: Konopacky et al., 2016.

Astronomers have detected a brown dwarf orbiting HR 2562 – a nearby star known to host a debris disk. HR 2562, 110 light years away, is an F5V star, about 30% more massive than the sun. It has a debris disk—a circumstellar belt of dust and planetesimals left over from planetary formation. The disk around HR 2562, spans from 38 to 75 AU away from the host star.

In early 2016, a team of researchers, led by Quinn Konop...

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