human Eye tagged posts

Breakthrough Optical Sensor mimics human Eye, a key step toward better AI

1. (a) Cross-sectional diagram of the photosensitive capacitor employed as a retinomorphic sensor. Au is gold, Perovskite is methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3), SiO2 is silicon dioxide, and Si++ is highly doped (conducting) silicon. (b) Circuit diagram of the measurement setup. (c) Optical power density (P
P) incident on the sensor as a function of time. (d) Experimentally measured VR
R as a function of time.

Researchers at Oregon State University are making key advances with a new type of optical sensor that more closely mimics the human eye’s ability to perceive changes in its visual field.

The sensor is a major breakthrough for fields such as image recognition, robotics and artificial intelligence...

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