human health tagged posts

Longevity, human Health may be linked to Muscle Cell Enzyme

Schematic overview of the endogenous regulators and molecular targets of SIRT3.

Schematic overview of the endogenous regulators and molecular targets of SIRT3.

Exercise and fasting do not change the location of a key enzyme involved in energy production, a study in Experimental Physiology found. SIRT3 is an important enzyme involved in fat metabolism and energy production. Located within the mitochondria of skeletal muscle, it targets certain proteins and altering their activity.

To determine if SIRT3’s location within muscle cells changes, healthy young men were split into two groups with one being subjected to endurance exercise for an hour and the other fasting for 48 hours. The researchers then took skeletal muscle biopsies at various time points post exercise and fasting and isolated the mitochondria...

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