hyaluronan tagged posts

Hyaluronan is effective in Treating Chronic Lung Disease

graphic displaying the relationships between inhaled hyaluronan and lung injuries
The research shows that inhaling hyaluronan interferes at almost every step of the COPD cycle, making it a potent treatment for chronic lung disease.
(Photo courtesy of Stavros Garantziotis, M.D.)

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health and their collaborators found that inhaling unfragmented hyaluronan improves lung function in patients suffering from severe exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Hyaluronan, a sugar secreted by living tissue that acts as a scaffold for cells, is also used in cosmetics as a skin moisturizer and as a nasal spray to moisturize lung airways...

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Engineered Cartilage Template to Heal Broken Bones

Cartilage template formation via engineered extracellular matrix. Credit: Syam Nukavarapu/UConn Photo

Cartilage template formation via engineered extracellular matrix. Credit: Syam Nukavarapu/UConn Photo

A team of UConn Health researchers has designed a novel, hybrid hydrogel system to help address some of the challenges in repairing bone in the event of injury. There are over 200 bones in an adult human skeleton, ranging in size from a couple of millimeters in length to well over a foot. How these bones form and how they are repaired if injured varies, and has posed a challenge for many researchers in the field of regenerative medicine.

Two processes involved with human skeletal development help all the bones in our body form and grow. These processes are called intramembranous and endochondral ossification, IO and EO respectively...

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