hybrid anode using silicon-nanolayer-embedded graphite/carbon tagged posts

New Anode Material set to boost Lithium-ion Battery capacity

Cross-sectional schematic view showing the detailed structural characteristics of a SGC hybrid particle. Credit: UNIST

Cross-sectional schematic view showing the detailed structural characteristics of a SGC hybrid particle. Credit: UNIST

A new approach developed by a team of researchers, led by Prof. Jaephil Cho (School of Energy and Chemical Engineering) could hold the key to greatly improving the performance of commercial lithium-ion batteries. Prof. Cho and his research team have developed a new type anode material that would be used in place of a conventional graphite anode, which they claim will lead to lighter and longer-lasting batteries for everything from personal devices to electric vehicles.

In the study, the research team has demonstrated the feasibility of a next-generation hybrid anode using silicon-nanolayer-embedded graphite/carbon...

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