hydrogen fuel tagged posts

Cobalt and Tungsten key to Cheaper, Cleaner Hydrogen

The new catalyst 'splits' water molecules to obtain hydrogen and oxygen with very low voltages. Credit: ICIQ

The new catalyst ‘splits’ water molecules to obtain hydrogen and oxygen with very low voltages. Credit: ICIQ

The new sustainable catalyst ‘splits’ water molecules to obtain hydrogen and oxygen needs very low voltages to work, and avoids the use of precious metals like iridium. Electrolysis, splitting the water molecule with electricity, is the cleanest way to obtain hydrogen, a clean and renewable fuel. Now, researchers at ICIQ and URV, led by Prof. José Ramón Galán-Mascarós, designed a new catalyst that reduces the cost of electrolytic hydrogen production. Catalysts reduce the amount of electricity needed to break the chemical bonds, speed up the reaction and minimise the energy waste.

‘Normally, hydrogen is obtained from using a cheap process called steam reforming...

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New, more Efficient Catalyst for Water Splitting

Although it is simple in theory, splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen is a complex process, requiring two separate reactions -- a hydrogen evolution reaction and an oxygen evolution reaction, each requiring a separate electrode.

Although it is simple in theory, splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen is a complex process, requiring two separate reactions — a hydrogen evolution reaction and an oxygen evolution reaction, each requiring a separate electrode.

Discovery could remove hurdle to producing hydrogen from water. University of Houston physicists have discovered a catalyst that can split water into hydrogen and oxygen, composed of easily available, low-cost materials and operating far more efficiently than previous catalysts. That would solve one of the primary hurdles remaining in using water to produce hydrogen. The catalyst, composed of ferrous metaphosphate grown on a conductive nickel foam platform, is far more efficient than previous catalysts, as well as less expensive to produce.

“Cost-wise, it is muc...

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New Catalyst for Water Splitting developed

Scientists have developed a new molybdenum-coated catalyst that prevents an unwanted back reaction in certain chemical systems that split water into hydrogen and oxygen. (Andy Freeberg/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

Scientists have developed a new molybdenum-coated catalyst that prevents an unwanted back reaction in certain chemical systems that split water into hydrogen and oxygen. (Andy Freeberg/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

Hydrogen is one of the most promising clean fuels for use in cars, houses and portable generators. But water-splitting systems require a very efficient catalyst. Now an international research team, including scientists at DOE SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, has developed a new catalyst with a molybdenum coating that prevents this problematic back reaction and works well in realistic operating conditions...

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Artificial Leaf goes more Efficient for Hydrogen generation

This is the newly-developed hetero-type dual photoelectrodes by Professor Jae Sung Lee and Professor Ji-Wook Jang's joint reserach team. Credit: UNIST

This is the newly-developed hetero-type dual photoelectrodes by Professor Jae Sung Lee and Professor Ji-Wook Jang’s joint reserach team. Credit: UNIST

An international team with UNIST has engineered a new artificial leaf that can convert sunlight into fuel with groundbreaking efficiency. In the study, the research presented a hetero-type dual photoelectrodes, in which 2 photoanodes of different bandgaps are connected in parallel for extended light harvesting. Their new artificial leaf mimics the natural process of underwater photosynthesis of aquatic plants to split water into hydrogen and oxygen, which can be harvested for fuel.

This study is expected to contribute greatly to the reduction and treatment of carbon dioxide emissions in accordance with the recent Paris Agreement on climate c...

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