hydrogen peroxide tagged posts

Schematic illustration of an on-site water purification system for rural communities. Powered by solar panels, the low-cost, portable device produces hydrogen peroxide from oxygen gas and water. Credit: Zhihua Chen/Stanford University
Many disease-causing organisms and organic pollutants can be quickly removed from water using H2O2 without leaving any harmful residual chemicals. However, producing and distributing hydrogen peroxide is a challenge in many parts of the world. Now scientists at the Dept of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University have created a small device for hydrogen peroxide production that could be powered by renewable energy sources, like conventional solar panels.
“The idea is to develop an electrochemical cell that generates hydrogen perox...
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Tumor cells have decreased ability to metabolize H2O2: Implications for pharmacological ascorbate in cancer therapy
Low levels of catalase enzyme make cancer cells vulnerable to high-dose vitamin C. Vitamin C has a patchy history as a cancer therapy, but researchers at the University of Iowa believe that is because it has often been used in a way that guarantees failure. Most vitamin C therapies involve taking the substance orally. However, the UI scientists have shown that giving vitamin C ntravenously – bypassing normal gut metabolism and excretion – creates blood levels that are 100 – 500 times higher than levels seen with oral ingestion. It is this super-high concentration in the blood that is crucial to vitamin C’s ability to attack cancer cells.
Earlier work by UI redox biology expe...
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