hydrothermal tagged posts

Model based on hydrothermal sources evaluate possibility of Life on Jupiter’s icy Moon

Europa has an enormous ocean of warm liquid water under its frozen crust. The bottom of this ocean could be a similar environment to primitive Earth, potentially hosting microorganisms. Credit: NASA

Europa has an enormous ocean of warm liquid water under its frozen crust. The bottom of this ocean could be a similar environment to primitive Earth, potentially hosting microorganisms. Credit: NASA

Brazilian scientists compare primitive Earth scenario with satellite Europa’s conditions; the jupiterian moon could host microorganisms at the bottom of a huge warm ocean located underneath its frozen crust. Jupiter’s icy moon Europa is a major target of astrobiology research in light of the possibility that it offers a habitable environment in the Solar System. Under its ice crust, estimated to be 10 km thick, is an ocean of liquid water of over 100 km deep. A huge source of energy deriving from gravitational interaction with Jupiter keeps this water warm.

Theoretical research to evaluate the ...

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